Our Vision Statement
The Vision of First Baptist Church of Leesville is to be a fellowship of believers genuinely committed to our responsibility of making Christian disciples.
To accomplish this Christ-given mission we do the following:
- We will honor Christ with spiritual-uplifting, joyful praise and worship.
- We will actively and intentionally involve our membership in local evangelism and world-wide missions.
- We will teach, nurture, and equip our membership and new believers through sound doctrine and discipleship that we may continually mature in our relationship with God.
- We will develop and maintain a loving, caring, encouraging, and Christ centering fellowship to meet many ministry needs of the total church family.
- We will reach out to our neighbors through loving service and Christian witness to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our community.

Brother Darin Worthington Pastor

Children Minister

Linda Brady, Financial Secretary

Gail Wagner, Secretary

Pat Totten, Secretary

Elizabeth Cyr, Choir Director

Lanny & Cherie Turner
Minister of Music & Senior Adults
Cherie Turner-Organist